Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Found In Pursuit Of The Lost

1 Samuel 9:1-21

The Israelites were not satisfied with all that God had provided them (surprise, surprise), so they demanded a king from Samuel. Even though he knew it was a bad idea, and was disappointed that they would even make such a request, Samuel prayed about it and God was merciful enough to grant them their request.

The man God had in mind was of the tribe of Benjamin; the son of a wealthy man named Kish, Saul was very tall and handsome. Kish's donkeys had strayed away, so he sent Saul and one of his servants out to look for them. They searched and searched through the entire land of Benjamin without success. Just as Saul was ready to give up, his servant suggested that they ask a seer (or prophet) for help. He remembered hearing about one in the town they were in.

Saul agreed and they went about looking for this seer. They asked some women who were drawing water from a well and they told them that he was in town and would be heading to worship soon. So, Saul and his servant went in that direction. As they were entering the town gates, Samuel was exiting them.

God had told Samuel the day prior that he would send the man who should be anointed king to him on this day. When they approached each other, God pointed Saul out to Samuel. Just then, Saul asked Samuel where to find the seer and Samuel identified himself. He told Saul to go to the house of worship so they could dine together and he would tell him everything he wanted to know the next morning.

He also told him that the donkeys he was looking for had been found, and he and his family would be the center of Israel's hopes. Of course, now Saul was confused. He wanted to know where the donkeys were, so what else was this seer going to tell him, since they had been found. And, how did he know about the donkeys? Oh yeah, he's a seer. But, how can my lowly family from the smallest tribe be the center of all Israel's hopes? He was so confused, that he got a little upset about it and asked Samuel why he was saying these things to him. That will be explained later.

Many times, when we are going about our lives, tending to the trivia and tedium of life, feeling purposeless or without direction, God is using us; placing us exactly where he wants us to be. Though we may not always be able to see our purpose, or feel best qualified to do God's work, God has a plan and he knows how to work it. We all have flaws, just as Saul did. But, if we just surrender to God whatever it is we have to offer, he can use it to build his kingdom.

Lord, thank you for using us in ways that we could never imagine. Thank you for your confidence in faith, which allows us to be vessels for your service. You are sovereign, God, and all that you say will come to pass; even when we - your people - sometimes try to get in your way. Help us to see ourselves the way you see us and submit to your will completely. Remind us of the blessing such obedience promises. Thank you, Lord, for your continued love and patience when we go astray and try to do things our way. Thank you for your mercy when we make mistakes. Please continue to cover us with your grace as we journey through this life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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